
In the meantime, a sustainable lifestyle has become a completely conscious decision for many of us. At TEEKANNE, too, we have consciously decided on sustainable development, even though it has always been a fundamental component of the company’s DNA as a family business with a long tradition. It is important for us to lead a sustainable lifestyle every day and to adapt our activities within the company to it. Partnerships are an important component of this for us, as we firmly believe that close and long-term relationships with our suppliers are the best path to a more sustainable future for all of us.

Responsibility begins with the quality of raw materials.

As a high-quality brand and a successful tea company, we have always set high demands on the raw materials of our teas. It is clear to us that only the best raw materials guarantee exquisite tea compositions that can ensure consistent quality.
And we also know that our raw materials are of such high quality only because we ensure that our suppliers from all parts of the world guarantee optimal crops. This is exactly why it is important to take responsibility where the foundation of our high-quality ingredients lies: in the countries of origin.

This means that we have known our suppliers personally for many years and often have been cooperating with them for the second generation. We are proud of our tea-specific supply chain and the important commercial principle that we purchase most of our raw materials directly. This direct partnership with our suppliers not only ensures full transparency. They are also the ones who allow us to consciously and through personal exchange influence the quality of raw materials and work together to continuously improve social and environmental standards.

W centrum naszego niezwykłego łańcucha dostaw: Szczerość i szacunek

TEEKANNE is a family business and we consider ourselves as one big family, which, in addition to our employees, also includes our suppliers. In this context, it is very important that we treat each other honestly, fairly and with respect and establish basic principles that we expect our suppliers to follow. In return, our partners can fully rely on us and know that we keep our contracts.

Wytyczne firmy TEEKANNE

We consider it our duty to maintain social and environmental standards when acquiring raw materials. Many of our raw materials come from Africa and Asia, where their cultivation is an important source of income and development opportunity for people. In this context, we are of course aware that in these regions, working conditions that are obvious to Central Europe are not always respected or the environment is being destroyed by partly unsustainable management. Therefore, we consider it our duty to counteract these phenomena.

Thanks to our clearly defined code of conduct „TEEKANNE Code of Conduct”, we require all our suppliers to comply with our social and environmental standards.

Code of Conduct „TEEKANNE Code of Conduct”

However, we do not leave our suppliers to their own devices when implementing the „TEEKANNE Code of Conduct”. They get support from our traders and agricultural experts in growing crops and also in adapting their daily behavior to the sustainable principles we require. Our employees regularly travel to their countries of origin and maintain long-term relationships with our suppliers.

TEEKANNE Code of Conduct (English Version)

TEEKANNE’s sustainability policy when purchasing tea, herbs and fruits.

Our sustainability policy for tea, herbs and fruits serves as an important guideline for our suppliers. It represents our main strategic direction for our raw materials and articulates our short, medium and long-term goals. In this way, we also help our suppliers adapt to changed or new requirements at an early stage.

TEEKANNE’s sustainability policy when purchasing tea, herbs and fruits. (German version)
TEEKANNE Policy for Sustainable Purchase of Tea, Herbs and Fruits (English Version)

Żywa odpowiedzialność i certyfikowany zrównoważony rozwój

Ciągłe doskonalenie jest dla nas bardzo ważne. Dlatego już od wielu lat korzystamy ze wsparcia IMO – Ecocert IMOswiss. Uznawana na całym świecie organizacja kontrolna pomaga nam z jednej strony zapewnić zgodność z najważniejszymi normami społecznymi, a z drugiej strony zidentyfikować potrzebę działania u naszych dostawców. Dzięki temu możliwe jest ich bezpośrednie adresowanie.

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Rainforest Alliance
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Członkostwo w Sedex

Od 2019 roku firma TEEKANNE jest członkiem Sedex. Platforma danych służy zapewnieniu przejrzystości wysiłków przedsiębiorstw na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju i pokazuje naszym partnerom biznesowym, że w naszej firmie działamy również w sposób zrównoważony etycznie i społecznie. Poza tym pomaga nam jeszcze lepiej wykrywać potencjalne zagrożenia w obrębie naszego łańcucha dostaw.

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Ceryfikat Bio

Już od 2006 roku posiadamy w swoim asortymencie produkty Bio i ich liczba stale się zwiększa. Nasze produkty TEEKANNE Bio są oznakowane dwoma znakami Bio. Logo Bio-UE gwarantuje, że nasze surowce pochodzą z kontrolowanych, ekologicznych gospodarstw rolnych, a nasze produkty są certyfikowane przez placówkę kontrolną zgodnie z przepisami UE dla ekologicznych upraw.
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Pozyskiwanie ekologicznych surowców